Secure Your Financial Well-being through Smart Investments

Account Manager
Live telegram alerts
24/7 consultation
800+ PIPS monthly
Trading community
Uncapped Earning potential

We believe in providing value for money and ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service

Our team have years of experience in their respective fields and are committed to delivering exceptional results.

Our staff prioritises customer satisfaction and go above and beyond to meet our clients' needs

We understand the importance of building strong relationships with our customers and strive to exceed their expectations.





24/7 support
Up to 3000 PIPS monthly
Educational material
Account manager
Minimum Deposit $600
Subscription includes:

Unrivalled Performance

Designed to revolutionize the way you trade and invest

Take your financial investments to the next level.

Innovative Algorithmic Trading: Powered by
state-of-the-art algorithms, our trading bot excels in identifying trends and market patterns.

Adapting to changing market conditions, ensuring your investments are optimized for maximum returns.

Your investments are secure with Meridian Global Group.

Our trading bot incorporates a comprehensive risk management system to protect your assets and investments, automatically adjusting trading strategies as needed to safeguard your financial well-being.

Risk Management:

Backed by a history of impressive returns and a growing community of satisfied users, the Trading Bot has earned its praise.

It is a great choice for traders seeking exceptional performance.

Proven Track Record:

Linda S. - Algorithms developer

a close up of a computer screen with a chart on it
a close up of a computer screen with a chart on it

What our subscribers say...

2 Years

800+ Subscribers


8 Employees

Expert Signal Service

800+ monthly Subscribers

Winning trades daily

Risk management included

man holding black smartphone with flat screen monitor in front
man holding black smartphone with flat screen monitor in front
person using smartphone and MacBook Pro
person using smartphone and MacBook Pro

Market analysis

Real-time signals